Friday, June 29, 2012

3d Hand Art

From the Mother:

I remember when I was in kindergarten, the teacher had us make plaster of Paris hand prints which she somehow magically turned into 3D art which we gave to our mothers for Mother's day.  I actually still have mine.

I remember how thrilled she was to get it, and how she compared her hand with mine and told me how special it was.  I remember the day she gave it back, after I had my first baby girl...

It was a cool project and a great memory.  I unfortunately do not have the patience, or the knowledge at this point (I'm sure it's on Pinterest somewhere!) to make the 3D plaster of Paris type, so this pin seemed pretty cool to me, and the best part is, it's very cheap and can be made with things we already had laying around the house.  

The Daughter thought they were pretty cool too, and ended up making 3 out of the five.  We traced everyone's hands and tried to keep them in their favorite colors.  I think they turned out pretty amazingly cool.  She's a perfectionist and wants to re-do her hand at least.  Either way, they are all getting framed and hung somewhere around here.  Now, to find the perfect spot...

From the Daughter:

Even doing it a couple times, I still hate it and want to redo it. It kills time very well. But it at the pace that I did, I messed up still. I thought it was really fun. It also takes lots of practice. Trust me.  This all I to say for all art pretty much. Have Fun!!!


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